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GTF Velveteen Rabbit


Red Roan Gypsy Mare

Sire: KSF Enchanted Forrest  (Clononeen Lile / SD Blackjack)

Dam: RHF Pippi Longstockings (Painted Hills Classic Rose / Fortune of Desert Jewel)

Registered Name: GTF Velveteen Rabbit

Barn Name: Velvet

Height: to mature to ~ 14hh 

GVHS (GV06768)

DOB: 02/26/2019

Sex: Mare

Color: Red Roan (ee nRn)


Velvet is an upcoming yearling Gypsy filly. We look forward to watching her mature. She has amazing bloodlines including, SD Jack, Bob the Blagdon, Fortune of Desert Jewel, Nobby aka Royal Romany, and Westmoreland The Lottery Horse. We have high hopes for this girl, as her bloodlines are top quality, not to mention her coloring is just the icing on the cake!

Velvet's Pedigree

Some of  Velvet's Foals

Mechelle, Gerald & Kay Luffman                                             New River Gypsy Vanners

Gypsy Vanners                                                                       Located in Sparta, North Carolina

© 2023 New River Gypsy Vanners                                 

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